In Her Own Words

“Your will is your will and it should not be imposed on others.  Therefore, when you feel disappointed about other’s choices in their lives don’t allow that to dredge you.  The one thing you can always do is pray for God’s Will in their lives.” Are you imposing your will on others?  Did you know…

In Her Own Words

“Don’t allow self-gratification to get in the way of forward progress into God’s Will for your life.” Is the situation you are engaging in adding value to your upward mobility into God’s Will for your life?  Have you honestly counted the cost of your self-gratification?  What you are doing right now in this situation –…

In Her Own Words

 “Circumstances can cause stress and invokes you to react haphazardly.  Take a moment to pray for God’s guidance in your circumstances.  He is the only one who will guide you the right way per His Will.  So, listen and heed to His direction and instructions.” Did you know circumstances can cause stress that invokes you…

In Her Own Words

“Give your time and energy because you seek to please God versus seeking validation.  When God places actions on your heart do them in obedience to His Will for your life.” What are you giving your time and energy to?  Is it to please God or for validation?  Is God placing actions on your heart? …

In Her Own Words

“Life happens to all of us; people, situations, and places change.  Nothing remains the same other than God.  We have to remember to do spot checks, where we investigate the people, situations and places in our lives.  If people, situations or places are not evolving for the better and or stagnant, it’s time either move on…

In Her Own Words

“Learn to imagine the impossibilities of life!  In God, we can find strength, guidance, knowledge and wisdom; Go ahead dream the impossible because you can and when it’s in God’s will and for His glory, it is no longer impossible yet, possible!  Live a little and dream bigger!” Are you stretching your possibilities of your…

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